Feb 21, 2011

Happy birthday baby Tijke!

Baby Tijke is here! Made his way into the world on Friday, February 18th at 16:16. He weighed in at 8lbs 2oz (3676 grams) and measures 22 inches (55cm). We are both now at home and doing very well!


  1. Congrats to you both! How do you pronounce his name?

  2. Hooray! Congratulations to you and Steve. May you be filled with joy and wonder forever and the love you have brought into the world.

  3. The Dutch "ij" combination is pronounced like an "i" in English. So we are pronouncing his name as "tike". In Dutch his name would be two syllables, i.e. "Ti-kuh", but we are not using the "kuh" part. So a mix of Dutch and English ... complex I know :)

  4. I like it...strong name...one syllable too. That's why we have a Sage and Reid.
