Jan 7, 2011

Not procrastinating, honest

I'm not procrastinating. No. I'm just getting warmed up for necessary writing later this afternoon. Academic writing. Which can be tough at the best of times, especially when you're someone like me who wants to strike the right balance between sounding knowledgable but also interesting and digestible.

Hence, whenever I am faced with a day like this where I need to read some 4 or 5 articles to "inform" me, review my own findings, and then somehow tie them altogether into a coherent and uncomplicated knot, I tend to do some warm up exercises: email, facebook, and my blog.

I'm feeling good just for being in the office. I spent the last 1.5 days moping around at home, under the pretense that it is getting too cumbersome to move. But rather than finding that enjoyable, it becomes a drag and I work myself into a state of virtual catatonia, where even getting up from the sofa seems unmanageable. So much better to be at work with my plants, bananas and comfie chair.

Yesterday, I broke out of the moping a little bit by going swimming. Steve came along for the fun, and we really enjoyed ourselves. It was an experience learning how to bob in a somewhat comfortable position. I still can't stretch out fully, so a normal back-stroke is out, but I managed to find a balancing point for a slow breast stroke and crawl, as well as a way to at least exercise my legs while on my back.

The pool itself was a treat. We've walked past this "little" sports centre near our house time and again but never thought of joining. Turns out, it's completely free to get a membership there if you're a Montreal resident. And then, once you're a member, the swim is completely free. You only have to pay for exercise classes, which I'm not planning on joining even though they have a prenatal one, because you need a doctor's note declaring you are healthy and I forgot yesterday. That means I won't get another chance for 2 weeks and by then I'm not willing to dish out 84 bucks for 2 weeks of prenatal exercise.

So just plain swimming instead. I discovered that the "big" bikini I bought in Vegas in June to accommodate my 7-week pregnant and growing body is no longer big. In fact, I could very well pop out an accidental breast at one point or another, so it's all about tight tying of strings and double knots. But the swimming itself was fun. I'm out of shape. I can manage 2 laps before my arms give out, so yesterday I alternated between 2 laps full body and 2 laps with a floatie to support my arms and give my legs a go. It didn't feel too strenuous but when I tried to get up from the sofa later in the evening, I must admit I was super-stiff. Ah well, a good goal for the next 5 weeks or so. The best part is that it's weightless, so I don't have to worry about damaging joints, etc.

As for the rest, my PUPPP is back. I'm not sure if it was triggered by the chlorine (I doubt it since it has nothing to do with external conditions). It's still mild, but I'm back on the antihistamine this morning to see if I can't nip it in the butt right away. So this morning, I had to throw on whatever cotton items I could find that aren't in the wash ... the result of which is that I look like a clown.

Oh well. People at work can wonder. Let them.

UPDATE: shortly after this post, I fell asleep for 6 hours. Lesson of the day: don't take Atarax in the morning. Geez, what a waste of sunlight. I'm only now starting to feel myself again!

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