In addition, I managed to catch up with my good friend and running buddy who was this year's president for the entire organization and conference (which hosted no less than 9,500 academics). After all, I had exciting news to share with him which would mean almost as much to him as it does to me and hubby ...
I'm 13 weeks pregnant.
Yes, it's exciting, scary, thrilling, new, weird, all of that. What makes it really great for us is that it's been just over a year since I miscarried Baby K. We had a long grieving period and we only recently started trying again.
Not surprisingly, both of us were happy, but cautiously so, for the first months. Every time I went to the bathroom, I checked for blood. Every twinge in my abdomen had me hold my breath. To the point where my osteopath told me to start breathing properly because my diaphragm and ribs were "in the wrong place". Eventually, I began to calm down and deal with the reality of the first trimester: nausea and vomiting, sudden exhaustion, bizarre pains in my hips and knees, and an increased need for thyroid hormones (my doc upped my dose).
But as the weeks passed, I got happier and happier. In the beginning, I welcomed the morning sickness and took it as a positive sign of things going well. While I tired of that very quickly, we heard a heartbeat around week 11 and it took all day for me to wipe the smile off my face, followed by prenatal testing last week - an ultrasound and blood. The ultrasound technician told us all looked normal, but we still had to await the blood results. Seems we are in the low risk category for two major birth defects, and we need no further testing.
I do love the Canadians. They're very relaxed about the pregnancy and I see my doc every 4 weeks. I've gotten great vibes from everyone we've told, and found out that I get 55, yes that's correct, 55 weeks off work (!!!) at 95% pay. Sometimes, academia is the best job in the world.

Due date: Valentine's Day. What a romantic notion.
Here's a pic of the upcoming addition :)
Suite entry....congratulations to you both! 55 weeks off....holy crap...I want to be a canadian. Erica got a scant 6 weeks and had to get a medical note to extend it by 4 weeks. I got a paltry 7 days. We were the same cautious way after our miscarry during Reid's pregnancy and he arrived, albeit E was induced, on his due date = 2/17.
ReplyDeleteOh Judith, ik heb tranen in mijn ogen bij het lezen van dit verhaal! Nogmaals van harte gefeliciteerd aan jullie allebei. Ik wist het niet van de miskraam, wat erg. Dan was dat dus nog best wel vers toen wij elkaar zagen in december, en ik toen zwanger was? Pijnlijk moet dat geweest zijn voor je. Daarom ben ik extra blij dat het nu allemaal goed gaat. Heel veel geluk gewenst en ik ga je blijven volgen. Wat een mooie echo trouwens!
ReplyDeleteHeel veel liefs van Susan