I am also getting to be much happier in myself. I will admit that the last few years have been a struggle from time to time, partly caused by my job, partly caused by me. But these last two months, while by no means perfect, I have begun to feel a bit like my old self again. Some of this is due to a shift in mindset. But I also negotiated with my doctor to increase my thyroid hormone intake a little bit, and a week or so later, the difference is indescribable. I'm literally *bouncy*. My metabolism works properly again (I feel hungry and eat a normal amount without gaining weight), I'm gung-ho about doing work and have don't feel tired all the time. I suspect that although my TSH and T4 hormonal tests were coming back normal, that I was slightly "under" in the hormone levels. It's so nice to feel like a positive and active person again, mentally as well as physically.

So here is the new look. I'm really excited about it, and even my hairdresser and the girl who sweeps the floor in there were both impressed with how my looks changed with this super cute cut. Although the color was a bit of a surprise to all of us. It was supposed to be several shades darker than my own hair, and after the required 20 minute wait, it turned out almost blonde! Luckily a quick toner topping fixed most of the golden tones, and it turned out pretty. Though not quite the sexy brunette I'd had in mind. But I'm feeling so happy about the entire thing that I am embracing this whole-heartedly.
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